Anonymous: 21st century


  • Memorial stone: Jacob van Eyck (2006), stone relief, Dutch. Utrecht: Domplein. Ref.  Website: Jacob van Eyck Quarterly 1 (2007, col.) In the run-up to the 350th anniversary of the carillonist and recorder player Jacob van Eyck’s death (2007), the city of Utrecht made a conciliatory gesture. On the Domplein (Dom Square), not far from the foot of the Dom tower, the paving stones are now adorned with a memorial stone, which was unveiled on 3 July 2006. The plaque was the initiative of the present Dom carillonist, Arie Abbenes, and musicologist Thiemo Wind. Suitably, the tablet has images of a hand-fluyt and a bell. The first two lines of Van Eyck’s four-line epitaph are engraved at the bottom:

In mond en vingeren, en sherpheydt van gehoor:
In Fluyt, en Kokken-spel een aller eeuwen wonder …

In mouth and fingers, and a sensitive ear:
In flute and carillon, a wonder second to none,
Van Eyck, scion of the Baxes, lies beneath this stone;
What God took from his eye, he gave back in his ear.

  • Still-life with Musical Instruments (ca 2011), oil on canvas, ? artist and/or provenance. Groningen: toucanart (2011, col.) Beneath a drape on a bench lie a candle and holder, some sheet music, a violin, and three recorders: a wooden neo-baroque tenor with 1 metal key, an ebony baroque soprano with ivory mounts, and plastic or ivory neo-baroque soprano with a curiously raised hole for the lowermost little finger of the lowermost hand.


  • Waitrose Pure Orange Juice (2001), printed waxed carton, English. Side of juice carton. Ref. Waitrose Ltd, Bracknell Berkshire food shops of the John Lews Partnership: bar code 5 000169 453520 (2001). A checkerboard pattern with an orange and a “Ganassi”-style recorder. the beak, window/labium and much-flared bell are clearly depicted. However, there are eight finger holes.


  • Oiseau (ca 2000), drawing, artist unknown, German. Ref. Website: Music von Merkl. A bird stands on the end of a branch reading from a score held up by a branchlet whilst he plays his beak with one wing. His beak is shaped like the bottom part of a recorder with a slightly flared bell and six finger holes.
  • Splash-screen (2004), JPG files & dynamic HTML, German. Website: Ornamente 99 Fine Baroque Music, Karsten Eric Ose (2004–). A menu-system in the form of an interactive image based on a 17th-century vanitas, namely Pieter van Roestraten’s Still-life with Musical Instruments (Gementemuseum, The Hague).


  • Eaux-forte Musicales: Flûte à bec (2003), Watercolour, Spanish (Barcelona). Ref. Website: Aulos-Musica (2003). A neo-baroque style recorder lying across a page of music. One of a series of drawings of musical instruments.


  • Logo: Boston Early Music Festival (before 2007), United States of America. Ref. Kathleen Fay (pers. comm., 2007); Recorder Magazine 27: 134 (2007). A black-on-white design in the form of a lute or harpsichord rose featuring a King playing a harp surrounded by musical instruments, including a horns, viols, citterns, and four baroque-style recorders.

Cite this article as: Nicholas S. Lander. 1996–2024. Recorder Home Page: Anonymous: 21st century. Last accessed 21 October 2024.