Privacy & Security

Personal information

  • When you browse this website, you do so anonymously.
  • No personal information is collected concerning visitors to this website or their browsing habits.
  • No information concerning visitors to this website is passed to third parties.


  • All email received and sent by this website is scanned for viruses and other vermin.
  • All unsolicited or commercial email received by this website will be forwarded to a spam reporting service.
  • Information collected via email will be retained in a directly readable form for only as long as is necessary to complete a response.
  • Email sent to this website may be retained in an archival form for my future reference.
  • Information contained in email sent to this website will not be passed to third parties without approval by the sender.
  • Pointers to all email addresses on all pages at this website are protected by appropriate Java Scripts or CGI-driven form-email tools from automated harvesting by spammers and other low-life.

Advertisers & cookies

  • No ad networks and no banner ads are employed on this website.
  • No products or services whatsoever are sold or marketed via this website.

Equipment & software

  • All equipment and software used in maintaining this website is protected by powerful security tools which are continuously kept up to date.
  • This website contains links to many other websites. Obviously, I am not responsible for the privacy practices, actions, or the content of such external websites.
  • I do not knowingly include links to material elsewhere on the Internet that might be distressing to readers of any age, gender, polity, race or religion.

Children’s guidelines

  • Although this website is designed primarily for an adult audience, it contains little or nothing that cannot be read by children.
  • I do note, however, that a few of the entries on the pages concerning Iconography and in the Quotations database contain references to erotic or sexual material where this is the subject of the works involved.
  • There is nothing whatsoever in the nature of pornography on this website.


  • Details of Recorder Makers available on this site are given for the reader’s information and convenience. Their inclusion in no way constitutes endorsement of their products or services .

Contact The Recorder Home Page

  • If you have any concerns or questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this website, or your dealings with this website, please email me.

Cite this article as: Nicholas S. Lander. 1996–2024. Recorder Home Page: Privacy & Security. Last accessed 21 October 2024.