Composing for recorder

This bibliography concerns issues to be dealt with when composing or arranging for the recorder. A more convenient and flexible way of exploring it is via the Zotero citation database underlying this web-site. The Zotero interface is straightforward to use and allows you to export selected entries in a variety of formats and to create your own citation lists in a range of journal styles. All you need is your web-browser. This will be of particular assistance to students and researchers.

  • Bauer, Winfried. 2015. “Informationen Für Komponisten.” Blokis Homebook.
  • Beutler, Irmhild. 2012. “Selbst ersponnen, selbst erspielt: Komponieren im Blockflöten-Gruppenunterricht: Spiele und Komponierimpulse.” Uben & Musizieren 5: 35–36.
  • Bousted, Donald. 2001. “An Instrument for the 21st Century?” Recorder Magazine 21 (4): 141–45.
  • Bousted, Donald. 2001. “The Recorder: A Vehicle for Thoughts about Life, the Universe, Etc.” Recorder Magazine 21 (3): 100–102.
  • Enfield, Patrick. 1973. “Writing for the Recorder and Piano.” Recorder and Music Magazine 4 (5): 169.
  • Glassgold, Cook. 1962. “Why Compose for the Recorder.” American Recorder 3 (1): 3–4.
  • Griffioen, Ruth van Baak. 1988. “Jacob van Eyck’s Der Fluyten Lust-Hof (1644–c1655).” Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University.
  • Margolis, Bob. 1976. “A Composer’s Guide to the Recorder.” American Recorder 16 (4): 113–22.
  • Schmidt, Ursula. 1981. Notation der neuen Blockflötenmusik: Ein Überblick [Notation of new recorder music: an overview]. Celle: Moeck.
  • Thorn, Benjamin. 2015. “A Composer’s Guide to Writing for the Recorder.Orpheus Music.
  • Turner, John. 2000. Composing for the Solo Recorder. Forsyth FTJ06. Manchester: Forsyth.
  • Wells, Peter G. 2000. “‘Giving the Fingers’. I, Conventions in the Notation of Contemporary Recorder Music.” Recorder Magazine 20 (2): 59–62.
  • Worrall, David. 1985. “Composing for a Large Recorder Ensemble.” Recorder: Journal of the Victorian Recorder Guild 3: 8–12.

Cite this article as: Lander, Nicholas S. 1996–2024. Recorder Home Page: Technique: Composing for recorder. Last accessed 21 October 2024.