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- Pepusch, Johann C. 1709. A Second Set of Sonatas or Solos for the Flute with a Through Bass for the Basson, Bass-Flute or Harpsicord. London: Walsh & Randall. http://img.kb.dk/ma/giedde/gs01-55bm.pdf.
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- “Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum [Munich Digitization Centre] (MDZ).” 2015. Accessed October 18. http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/index.html?c=startseite&l=en.
Cite this article as: Lander, Nicholas S. 1996–2025. Recorder Home Page: Repertoire: Original Prints & Manuscripts Online. Last accessed 8 February 2025. https://recorderhomepage.net/repertoire/original-prints-manuscripts-online/