Abbreviation | Name | Address | Country | Phone | Fax | WWW | |
A-Göttweig Abbey | Stift Göttweig | Benediktinerstisft Göttweig, A-3511 Furth bei Göttweig | Austria | +43 (0)2732 85581-0 | +43 (0)2732 85581-266 | [email protected] | |
A-Graz: Landesmus. | Steirmark es Landesmuseum Johanneum: Museum für Geschichte | Sackstraße 16 8010 Graz | Austria | +43-316/8017-9800 | +43/(0)316/8017-9846 | [email protected] | |
A-Innsbruck: Mus Ferdinadeum | Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Musiksammlung | Museumstraße 15 & Zeughausgasse 1, A-6020 Innsbruck | Austria | +43 (0512) 594 89 | +43 (0512) 594 89 88 | [email protected] | |
A-Linz: Schlossmus | Schlossmuseum | Schlossberg 1 4020 Linz4010 Linz | Austria | +43 732 7720 523 00 | +43 0732/774482-66 | [email protected] | |
A-Salzburg: Mozarteum | Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum | Schwarzstraße 26 , A-5020 Salzburg | Austria | +43 (0) 662 889 40 | +43-662-88 24 19 | [email protected] | |
A-Salzburg: Mus. Car.-Aug. | Salzburger Museum Carolino Augusteum, Historische Musikinstrumente | Bürgerspitalgasse 2, Salzburg | Austria | +43 (0662) 620 808 300 | +43-662-62 08 08-720 | [email protected] | |
A-Vienna (Grove: | Kunsthistorisches Museum: Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente | Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna | Austria | +43 1 525 24- 4602 | +43 1 525 24-358 | [email protected] | |
A-Vienna: Clemencic | René Clemencic (private collection), ? dispersed | Vienna | Austria | ||||
A-Vienna: GdM | Gesellschaft der Muikfreunde (on long-term loan to the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) | Vienna | Austria | | |||
A-Vienna: Staeps | Hans Ulrich Staeps (private collection), ? dispersed | Vienna | Austria | ||||
B-Antwerp: Vleeshuis (Grove: | Museum Vleeshuis | Vleeshouwersstraat 38-40, 2000 Antwerp | Belgium | +32 (0)3 292 61 01 | +32 3 292 61 29 | [email protected] | |
B-Bruges: Gruuthuse (Grove: | Gruuthusemuseum | Dijver 17, 8000 Bruge | Belgium | +32 50 44 87 43 | +32 50 44 87 78 | [email protected] | |
B-Brussels (Grove: B.B.mim) | Musée des Instruments de Musique (MIM) | Hofberg 2 Montagne de la Cour, B-1000 Brussels | Belgium | +32 02 545 01 30 | +32 2 545 01 77 | [email protected] | |
B-Gooik: Kuijken | Barthold Kuijken (private collection) | Gooik | Belgium | +32 54 56 74 28 | +2 54 56 74 28 | [email protected] | |
B-St Hubert: Ganty | Henry Ganty (private collection; dispersed) | St Hubert | Belgium | ||||
C-BC-Vancouver: private collection | Anonymity requested | Vancouver | Canada | ||||
CH-Basel: Hist. Mus. (Grove: | Historisches Museum, Musikmuseum | Lohnhof 9, Basel | Switzerland | +41 61 205 86 00 | +41 61 205 86 01 | [email protected] | |
CH-Geneva: Mus. Instr. (Grove: CH.G.m) | Musée d'Art et Histoire: Musée des Instruments anciens de Musique | 2. rue Charles-Galland (Vieille-Ville), 1206 Geneva | Switzerland | +41 22/418 26 00 | +41 22/418 26 01 | [email protected] | |
CH-Geneva: Piguet | Michel Piguet (private collection, ?dispersed) | Geneva | Switzerland | ||||
CH-Zollikon: Mangold (Grove: CH.ZOL.mangold) | Karl Mangold (private collection) | Zollikon | Switzerland | ||||
CH-Zurich: Burger | Willi Burger (private collection; dispersed) | Zürich | Switzerland | ||||
CH-Zurich: Mus. Bellerive (Grove: CH.Z.mb) | Museum Bellerive | Höschgasse 3, Zürich | Switzerland | +41 (0)43 446 44 69 | +41 (0)43 446 45 03 | | |
CIMCIMM | Comité International des Museés et Collections d'Instruments de Musique | Marie Martens, Rosenørns Allé 22, DK-1970 Frederiksberg C, Denmark | Netherlands | +45 3313 4411 | [email protected] | | |
CZ-Prague: Natl. Mus. | Národní Muzeum (National Museum): Musaion - Národopisná expozice (Czech Museum of Music) | Karmelitská 2/4, 118 00 Prague 1 | Czech Republic | +420-257 257 735 | +420-2 22 24 60 47 | [email protected] | |
D-anonymous | Private collection (anonymous) | Germany | |||||
D-Bavaria: anonymous | Private collection (anonymous) | Bavaria | Germany | ||||
D-Berchtesgaden: Heimat Mus | Heimatmuseum | Schloß Adelsheim, Schroffenbergallee 6, 83471 Berchtesgaden | Germany | +49 08652/4410 | +49 08652/948660 | | |
D-Berlin | Musikinstrumentenmuseum des Staatlichen Instituts für Musikforschung Preussicher Kulturbesitz | Tiergartenstrasse 1, 1000 Berlin 30 | Germany | +49 030 / 25481-178 | +49 030 / 25481-172 | [email protected]/ | |
D-Bonn: Beethovenhaus | Beethovenhaus | Bonngasse 18-26, 53111 Bonn | Germany | +49 (0) 228-9 81 75-25 | +49 (0) 228-9 81 75 26 | [email protected] | |
D-Bremen: Müller | Richard Müller (private collection; ? dispersed) | Bremen | Germany | +49 (0) 421 75843 | [email protected] | | |
D-Brunswick | Städtisches Museum | Am Löwenwall, 38100 Braunschweig | Germany | +49/ (0)531/470-45 05 | +49/ (0)531/470-45 55 | [email protected] | |
D-Celle: Moeck | Hermann Moeck (private collection; ? dispersed) | C/- Moeck Music Instrumente und Verlag, Postfach 3131, 29227 Celle | Germany | +49 (05141) 8853-0 | +49 (05141) 8853-42 | [email protected] | |
D-Darmstadt: Hess.Mus. | Hessiches Landesmuseum | Friedensplatz 1, 64283 Darmstadt | Germany | +49 0 61 51 16 57 01 | +49 0 61 51 2 89 42 | [email protected] | |
D-Eisenach: Bachhaus | Bachhaus | Frauenplan 21, 99817 Eisenach | Germany | +49 03691 / 7934 - 0 | +49 03691 / 7934 - 24 | | |
D-Frankfurt/O: Mus. Vladrina | Museum Vladrina | Frankfurt an der Oder | Germany | +49 0335 / 40 15 6-0 | +49 0335 / 40 15 6-11 | [email protected] | |
D-Frankfurt: M: Hist. Mus. | Historisches Museum | Saalgasse 19 / Am Römerberg, 60311 Frankfurt am Main | Germany | +49 069-212-35599 | +49 069-212-30702 | [email protected] | |
D-Göttingen: Stadtarchäologie | Stadtarchäologie | Gebäude Roten Straße 34, Göttingen | Germany | +49 400-3244 | +49 400-3240 | [email protected] | |
D-Halle: Handelhaus | Händel-Haus Museum | Große Nikolaistraße 5, 06018 Halle | Germany | +49 (0)3 45-5 00 90-0 | +49 (0)3 45-5 00 90-4 11 | [email protected] | |
D-Hamburg: MfHG | Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte | Holstenwall 24, 20355 Hamburg | Germany | +49 40 428 132 100 | [email protected] | | |
DK-Copenhagen: Musikhist. Mus. | Musikmuseet [formerly Musikhistorisk Museum og Carl Claudius' Samling] | Musikmuseet Rosenørns allé 22, 1970 Frederiksberg | Denmark | +45 4120 6302 | [email protected] | | |
DK-Copenhagen: Rosenborg | Rosenborg Castle Museum | Rosenborg Slot, Øster Voldgade 4, 1350 Copenhagen | Denmark | +45 3315 3286 | [email protected] | | |
D-Konstanz: Rosgarten Mus. | Rosgartenmuseum | Rosgartenstraße 3-5, 78459 Konstantz | Germany | +49 (0)7531 900-246 | +49 (0)7531 900-608 | | |
D-Leipzig | Grassi Museum für Musikinstrumente der Universität Leipzig | Johannisplatz 5–11, 04103 Leipzig | Germany | +49 0341 97 30 750 | +49 0341 97 30 759 | [email protected] | |
D-Munich: Bav. Natl. Mus. | Bayerisches Nationalmuseum | Prinzregentenstraße 3, D-80538 Munich | Germany | +49 89 211 24-01 | +49 89 211 24-201 | [email protected] | |
D-Munich: Deutsches Mus. | Deutsches Museum von Meisterwerken der Naturwissenschaft und Technik | Museumsinsel 1, 80538 München | Germany | +49-89-2179-1 | +49-89-2179-324 | [email protected] | |
D-Munich: Stadtmus. | Münchner Stadtmuseum, Musikinstrumentenmuseum | St.-Jakobs-Platz 1, 80331 Munich | Germany | +49 (0)89 233 22370 | +49 (0)89 233 25033 | [email protected] | |
D-Nordenham: Ritz | Hansheiner Ritz (private collection) | Germany | |||||
D-Nuremberg: GNM | Germanisches Nationalmuseum | Kartäusergasse, 1, 90402 Nuremberg; Postfach 11 95 80, 90105 Nuremberg | Germany | +49 (0)911 1331-0 | +49 (0)911 1331-244 | [email protected] | |
D-Oettingen: Heimatmus | Heimatmuseum | Hofgasse 14, 86732 Oettingen | Germany | +49 (0)9082 / 2315 | +49 (0)9082 / 2316 | [email protected] | |
D-Potsdam | Potsdam Museum – Forum für Kunst und Geschichte [formerly Bezirksmuseum für Geschichte] | Am Alten Markt 9, 14467 Potsdam | Germany | +49 331 289-6821 | +49 331 289-6808 | | |
D-Quedlinburg | Schloßmuseum [Institut fur Aufführungspraxis, Michaelstein] | Schlossberg 1, 06484 Quedlinburg | Germany | +49 3946 905681 | +49 3946 905-9500 | [email protected] | |
D-Sigmaringen: Schloss | Fürstlich-Hohenzollernschen Schloss | Karl Anton Platz 8, 72488 Sigmaringen | Germany | +49 7571 729-230 | +49 7571 729-255 | [email protected] | |
D-Stuttgart: Hase | Gerhard Hase (private collection) | Stuttgart | Germany | ||||
GB: Wailes | Marilyn Wailes (private collection; dispersed) | United Kingdom | |||||
F-Angers: École de Musique | École de Musique | Angers | France | ||||
F-Blois: ex Petit; dispersed | Charles Petit Collection (private collection) | Blois | France | ||||
F-Paris | Musée de la Musique, | Cité de la Musique, 221, avenue Jean Jaurès, Paris 75019 | France | +33 44 84 45 45 | [email protected] | | |
F-Paris: Anonymous | Private collection | Paris | France | ||||
F-Troyes: Musée | Musée des Beaux Arts et d'Archéologie de Troyes (Musée Saint-Loup) | 4, rue Chrestien de Troyes, 10000 Troyes | France | +33 03 25 42 20 09 | [email protected] | | |
F-Versailles: King's Library | The King's Library (dispersed) | Versailles | France | ||||
GB-Bath: Eden | Robin Eden | 23 Pickwick, Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 0JB | United Kingdom | +49 01249 713335 | +49 01249 713644 | ||
GB-Bradford | Early Music Shop | Salts Mill, Victoria Road, Saltaire, West Yorkshire BD18 3LA | United Kingdom | +44 001274 288100 | [email protected] | | |
GB-Brighton: Municipal Mus. | Brighton Museum & Art Gallery | Royal Pavilion Gardens, Brighton, E. Sussex BN1 1EE | United Kingdom | +44 3000 290900 | +44 3000 290908 | [email protected] | |
GB-Brighton: Spencer | Charles Albert Spencer Collection, sold to GB-Brighton in 1968 | Brighton | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-Bury St. Edmonds: Moyse's Hall | Moyse's Hall | Cornhill, Bury St Edmonds IP33 1DX | United Kingdom | +44 1284 706183 | [email protected] | | |
GB-Cambridge: Lobban | Mary Lobban (private collection) | Cambridge | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-Chesham Bois: Edgar Hunt | Edgar Hunt (private collection; dispersed incl. GB-Oxford: Bate) | United Kingdom | |||||
GB-Chester: Grosvenor Mus. | Grosvenor Museum | 27 Grosvenor Street, Chester CH1 2DD | United Kingdom | +44 01244 972197 | +44 01244 347587 | [email protected] | |
GB-Edinburgh: Univ. | Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments | St Cecelia's Hall, Edinburgh | United Kingdom | +44 0131 650 2414 | [email protected] | | |
GB-Ilford: Halfpenny | Eric Halfpenny (private collection; dispersed) | ||||||
GB-Leamington Spa: Byrne | Maurice Byrne (private collection; dispersed) | United Kingdom | |||||
GB-London: Avery | Walter Avery (private collection; dispersed) | London | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-London: Bingham | Tony Bingham (dealer) | Pond St, Hamstead, London | United Kingdom | | |||
GB-London: Christies' | Christies' (auctioneers) | London | United Kingdom | +44 (0)20 7389 2057 | [email protected] | | |
GB-London: Greene | Reuben Green (private collection; ? dispersed) | London | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-London: Horniman | Horniman Museum & Gardens, Music Collection | 100 London Road, Forest Hill, London SE23 3PQ | United Kingdom | +44 (0)20 8699 1872 | +44 (0)20 8291 5506 | [email protected] | |
GB-London: Liebrecht | Mrs Ruth Liebrecht (private collection) | London | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-London: Lumsden | Alan Lumsden (private collection, ? dispersed) | United Kingdom | |||||
GB-London: Oldham | Guy Oldham (private collection) | London | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-London: Uridge | Michael Uridge (private collection) | Worthing | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-London: Phillips | Phillips (formely Phillips, de Pury & Luxembourg) | 30 Berkeley Square, London W1J 6EX | United Kingdom | +44 20 7318 4010 | [email protected] | | |
GB-London: RCM | Royal College of Music, Museum | Prince Prince Consort Rd, London SW7 2BS | United Kingdom | +44 (0)20 7591 4300 | [email protected] | | |
GB-London: Sotheby's | Sotheby's (auctioneers) | 34-35 New Bond Street & Bloomfield Place (off New Bond St), London W1A 2AA | United Kingdom | +44 20 7293 5000 | +44 20 7293 5989 | | |
GB-London: V&A | Victoria and Albert Museum | Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL | United Kingdom | +44 (0)20 7942 2000 | [email protected] | | |
GB-Meopham: Benn | Nicholas Benn (private collection) | Kent | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-Norwich: St. P. Hungate Mus. | St Peter Hungate Museum | Princes St, near Elm Hill, Norwich NR3 1AE | United Kingdom | [email protected] | | ||
GB-Oxford: Bate | Bate Collection | Faculty of Music, St Aldate's, Oxford OX1 1DB | United Kingdom | +44 (0)1865 276139 | +44 (0)1865 276128 | [email protected] | |
GB-Peebles: Dodman | F.E. Doman (private collection) | Peebles | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-Royston: Harding | R. Harding (private collection) | Royston | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-Shipston-on-Stour: Bennet | Irene Bennett (private collection) | Shipston-on-Stour | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-Sudbury: Raymond | Raymond (private collection) | Sudbury | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-Upper Bourne End: Lefkovitch | Leonard Lefkovitch (private collection; : dispersed) | Upper Bourne End | United Kingdom | ||||
GB-Warwick | Warwickshire Museum | Market Hall, Market Place, Warwick CV34 4SA | United Kingdom | +44 (0)1926 412501 | [email protected] | | |
H-Budapest: Natl. Mus. | Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum (Hungarian National Museum) | Múzeum krt, 14-16, 1088 Budapest | Hungary | +361 338 21 22 | +361 317 78 06 | [email protected] | |
I-Assisi | Biblioteca Communale | Palazzo del Capitano del Perdono, Piazza Garibaldi | Italy | +39 075 813481 | [email protected] | | |
I-Bologna: Accad. Fil. | Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna, Museo | via Guerrazzi,13 - 40125 Bologna | Italy | +39 (051) 222997 | +39 (051) 224104 | [email protected] | |
I-Bologna: Museo | Museo Civico Medievale | Via Manzoni 4, I-40121, Bologna | Italy | +39 (051) 2193916 - 2193930 | 051 232 312 | [email protected] | |
I-Bologna: Pollastri | P. Pollastri (private collection) | Bologna | Italy | ||||
I-Florence: Mus. Stibbert | Museo Stibbert | Via F. Stibbert 26, 50134 Florence | Italy | +39 55 486049 | +39 55 375721 | [email protected] | |
I-Florence: Museo Bardini | Museo Bardini e Galleria Corsi | Via dei Renai, 37 (Ponte alle Grazie) , Florence | Italy | +39 (0)55 234 2427 | [email protected] | | |
I-Foligno | La casa della signora Serenella Damiano Luchetti | Foligno | Italy | ||||
I-Merano: Landfl. Burg. | Castello Principesco (Landesfürstliche Burg) | Via Galilei 1, 39012 Merano (Meran) | Italy | +39 329 0186390 | [email protected] | | |
I-Milan: Castello Sforzesco | Castello Sforzesco, Museo degli strumenti musicali | Castello Sforzesco, 20121 Milano | Italy | +39 (0)2 88463700 | [email protected] | | |
I-Milan: Conservatorio | Museo del Conservatorio di Musica 'Giuseppe Verdi' | via Conservatorio 12, 20122 Milano | Italy | +39 (0)2 76211 0214 | +39 (0)2 7601 4814 | [email protected] | |
I-Modena: Museo | Museo Civico di Sotria e di Arte Medievale e Moderna | Largo Porta S. Agostino, 337 - 41100 Modena | Italy | +39 59 20 01 00 | +39 59 20 01 10 | [email protected] | |
I-Rome: Museo dSM | Museo degli Strumenti Musicali | Piazza S. Croce in Gerusalemme 9/a, -00185 Rome | Italy | +39 (0)6 70 14 796 | : [email protected] | | |
I-Venice: Conservatorio | Museo del Conservatorio di Musica 'Benedetto Marcello' | Palazzo Pisani, Piazza San Marco 2810, 30124 Venezia | Italy | +39 041 522 5604 | +39 0415239268 | [email protected] | |
I-Verona: Accad. Fil. | Accademia Filarmonica di Verona | Via de la Mutilati 4/L, Verona | Italy | +39 (0)45 800 91 08 | +39 (0)45 801 26 03 | [email protected] | |
I-Verona: Biblioteca Capitolare | Biblioteca Capitolare | 37121 Piazza Duomo 13, Verona | Italy | +39 (0)45 59 65 16 | +39 (0)45 59 65 16 | | |
J-Nara-Ikoma: Wakabayaski | M. Wakabayaski (private collection) | Nara-Ikoma | Japan | ||||
J-Tokyo: Iino | H. Iino (private collection) | Tokyo | Japan | ||||
J-Tokyo: Musashino | Musashino Ongaku Daigaku Gakki Hakubutsukan (Musashino Academia Musicae, Museum of Musical Instruments) | 1-13-1 Hazawa, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 176-8521 | Japan | +81 3 3992 1410 | +81 3 3991 7599 | | |
J-Tokyo: Toho Gakuen | Toho Gakuen Daigaku (Toho Gakuen School of Music) | Tokyo | Japan | | |||
J-Tokyo: Ueno Gakuen | Ueno Gakuen Daigaku (Ueno Gakuen School of Music) | 24-12, Higashiueno 4-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8642 | Japan | +81 (0)3 3842 1021 | +81 (0)3 3843 7548 | [email protected] | |
NL-Amsterdam: Brüggen | Frans Brüggen (private collection). | The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam has negotiated for several years concerning the recorder collection. But in the end the family decided to keep the instruments. Well, that is perhaps disappointing, but still better than if the recorders should have been sold individually and dispersed over the whole world. There is also the problem with restrictions about playing and examining musical instruments in museum collections, Maybe that the heirs of Frans Brüggen were just withheld because of these restrictions to sell the recorders to the museum. See Bouterse (2020). | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Amsterdam: City Mus. | Rijksmuseum | Stadhouderskade 42, Amsterdam | Netherlands | +31 (0)20 673 21 21 | +31 (0)20 679 8146 | [email protected] | |
NL-Amsterdam: Misset-Oudheusden | Misset-Oudheusen Collection (private collection) | Amsterdam | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Blaricum: Ferguson | Maruke Ferguson (private collection) | Blaricum | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Geldrop: private coll. | private collection (anonymity requested) | Geldrop | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Hague: Jonxis | Grandaughter of Mr Jonxis, a Groningen Doctor, relative of Michiel van Bolhuis (private collection) | The Hague | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Menkemaborg: Groningen Museum | Museum Menkemaborg Menkemaweg 2 9981 CV Uithuizen | Netherlands | +31 0595-431970 | [email protected] | | ||
NL-Hague | Gemeentemuseum, Den Hague, now Kunstmuseum Den Hague | Stadhouderslaan 41, 2517 HV DenHague | Netherlands | +31 (0)70 338 11 11 | [email protected] | | |
NL-Hazerswoude-Dorp | private collection | Hazerswoude-Dorp | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Ketelhaven: Scheepsarchaelogmus | Rijksmuseum voor Scheepsarcheologie; now Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed | Smallepad 5 3811 MG Amersfoort (033) 421 7 421 | Netherlands | +31 (033) 421 7 456 | [email protected] | | |
NL-Nieuwegein: Havelaax | C. Havelaax (private collection) | Nieuwegein | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Utrecht: private coll. | private collection (anonymity requested) | Utrecht | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Apeldorn (formerly Zaandam) | private collection | Apeldoorn | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Zwolle: Klemisch | Guido M. Klemisch (private collection) | Zwolle | Netherlands | ||||
NZ-Wellington: Castle | The Castle Collection | Auckland War Memorial Museum / Te Papa Whakahiku, Domain Drive, Private Bag 92018, Wellington | Auckland, New Zealand | +64 (0)9 309 0443 | +64 (0)9 379 9956 | [email protected] | |
I-Private Collection (Rossi) | Gian Enzo Rossi | Tactus s.a.s. di Gian Enzo Rossi & C. Via Tosarelli, 352 40055 Villanova di Castenaso (Bologna) | Italy | +39 051 0950314 | +39 051 0950315 | | |
Russia-St. Petersburg | Museum of Musical Instruments | Sheremetev Palace, 34 Fontanka river emb., 191104 St Petersburg | Russia | +7 (812) 272-45-24, 272–44–41 | [email protected] | [email protected] | |
S-Göteborg: Historiska Mus. | Statens Historiska Museum | Norra Hamngatan 12, 411 14 Göteborg | Sweden | +46 (0) 31-368 36 00 | +46 (0) 31-368 36 00 | [email protected] | |
S-Stockholm | Scenkonstmuseet / Museum of Performing Arts | Sibyllegatan 2, Stockholm | Sweden | +46 (0)8-519 567 00 | +46 8 663 9181 | [email protected] | |
S-Stockholm: Nordiska | Nordiska Museum | Djurgårdsvägen 6-16, Stockholm | Sweden | +46 8-519 546 00 | [email protected] | ||
Unknown | |||||||
Unknown: ex Giesbert (? dispersed) | |||||||
USA: anonymous | United States of America (USA) | ||||||
USA-CA-Ventura: Lendertse | Lendertse (private collection) | Ventura | United States of America (USA) | ||||
USA-DC-Washington: DCM | Library of Congress, Dayton C. Miller Collection | 101 James Madison Memorial Building, Independence Ave SE, Washington DC 20540-4710 | United States of America (USA) | +1 (0)202-707-5507 | | ||
USA-MA-Boston: MFA | Museum of Fine Arts | 465 Huntingdon Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | United States of America (USA) | +1 (617) 267-9300 | | | |
USA-MA-Boston: private coll. | Private Collection (anonymity requested) | Boston | United States of America (USA) | ||||
USA-MD-Silver Spring: Burchuk | Dave Burchuk | Silver Spring, MA | United States of America (USA) | ||||
USA-MI-Ann Arbor: U Mich. | Stearns Collection | Earl V. Moore School of Music Bldg, Univ. Michigan (N Campus), 1100 Baits Drive, Ann Arbor, MI | United States of America (USA) | +1 (734) 936-2891 | +1 (734) 763-5097 | [email protected] | |
USA-NY-New York: MMA | Metropolitan Museum of Art | 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10028 | United States of America (USA) | +1 (212) 535-7710 | [email protected] | | |
USA-OH-Cincinnati: Art Mus. | Cincinnati Art Museum | 953 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45202 | United States of America (USA) | +1 (513) 721 - ARTS | [email protected] | | |
USA-PA-Philadelphia: Oster | Frederick Oster (dealer) | Philadelphia | United States of America (USA) | ||||
USA-SD-Vermillion: National Music Museum | University of South Dakota, National Music Museum | 414 East Clark St, SD 57069 | United States of America (USA) | +1 605 658 3450 | [email protected] | | |
xA-Salzburg: Mus. Car.-Aug. | Stolen from Museum Carolino Augusteum | ||||||
xD-Berlin | Musikinstrumentenmuseum des Staatlichen Instituts für Musikforschung Preussicher Kulturbesitz | Berlin | Germany | ||||
xD-Leipzig | Musikinstrumenten Museum der Universität Leipzig; lost WW2 | Leipzig | Germany | ||||
xD-Munich: Bav. Nal. Mus. | Bayerisches Nationalmuseum | Munich | Germany | ||||
xGB-Glasgow: Glen | J. & R. Glen (company collection, now dispersed) | Lawnmarket, Edinburgh | Scotland | ||||
xUSA-NY-Scarsdale: Rosenbaum | Robert and Dorothy Rosenbaum (private collection); now in Hamamatsu City, Japan | Museum of Musical Instruments, 108-1 Itaya-cho, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken 430-7790 | Japan | +81 -53-451-1128 | +81-53-451-1129 | | |
D-Sondershausen: Schloss | Schloss Sondserhausen | Schloss 1, 99706 Sondershausen | Germany | +49 3632 622420 | [email protected] | | |
GB-London: Bonhams | Bonhams (auctioneers) | 101 New Bond St, London W1S 1SR | United Kingdom | +44 (0)20 7629 6602 | +44 (0)20 7629 8876 | [email protected] | |
NL-Utrecht: Mus. | Centraal Museum | Nicolaaskerkhof 10, 3512 XC Utrecht | Netherlands | +31 (0)30 2362 362 | +31 (0)30 2332 006 | [email protected] | |
USA-Claremont: Fiske | Kenneth G. Fiske Museum of Musical Instruments. This collection now forms part of the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix | Musical Instrument Museum, 4725 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix AZ 85050 | United States of America (USA) | 480.478.6000 | 480.471.8690 | | |
F-La Couture-Boussey | Musée des instruments à vent | 2 route d'Ivry, place de l'église, 27750, La Couture-Boussey | France | +33 02 3236 2880 | +33 02 3236 2880 | [email protected] | |
I-Brescia: private collection | Brescia | Italy | |||||
NL-Leiden: Lakenhal | Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal | Oude Singel 28-32, 2312 RA Leiden | Netherlands | +31-(0)71-5165360 or 5120820 | +31-(0)71-5134489 | [email protected] | |
P-Lisbon: Museo | Museo Nacional da Musica | ER. João de Freitas Branco 12 1500-359 Lisboa | Portugal | +351 21 771 09 90 | +351 21 771 09 99 | [email protected] | |
USA: Oler (private collection) | Wesley M. Oler 1918-1988; ? dispersed. | Montgomery, Maryland | USA | ||||
GB-York | York Castle Museum | The Castle, York YO1 9RY | United Kingdom | +44 ( 0)1904 687687 | | ||
USA-MA-Boston: von Huene | Friedrich von Huene Workshop Inc. | 55-65 Boylston Street, Brookline MA 02146 | United States of America (USA) | +1 617 277 8690 | +1 617 277 7217 | [email protected] | |
F-Vincennes: Petit | William Petit | 11 Rue Maréchal Gallieni, Chemin de Godissar, 78000 Vincennes | France | +33 06 13 12 43 22 | [email protected] | | |
F-Mont St Vincent: Initial Music, Antiquaire Spécialisé en Instruments de musique | Initial Music (Florian Mulliere) | Place de L'Eglise, 71300 Mont Saint Vincent | France | +33 (0)3 85 79 84 83 | +33 (0)3 85 79 84 83 | ||
GB-Kilmarnock | Dean Castle | Dean Rd, Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire KA3 1XB | Scotland | +49 01563 554708 | [email protected] | | |
D: private | Germany | ||||||
E-Dublin: anonymous | Republic of Ireland | ||||||
D-Nuremberg: Erlangen | Die Sammlung historischer Musikinstrumente des Musikwissenschaftlichen Instituts der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Institut für Musikforschung, Domerschulstraße 13, 97070 Würzburg | Germany | +49 931 3182768 | [email protected] | | |
IL-Jerusalem: Rubin Academy | Rubin Academy Collection of Musical Instruments | Givat Ram Campus of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem | Israel | +972 02-6759911 | +972 02 652 7713 | | |
NL-Lisse | Het Huys Dever | Heereweg 349a, 2161 CA Lisse | Netherlands | +31 0252 41143 | +31 0252 425375 | | |
NL-Rotterdam | Archeology Rotterdam (formerly BOOR) | Ceintuurbaan 213b 3051 KC Rotterdam | Netherlands | +31 010 489 85 00 | [email protected] | | |
NL-Amsterdam: Graefman | D. Graefman | Amsterdam | |||||
NL-Amersfoort | Rijksdienst voor Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek. Transferred to RACM, National Service for Archaeology, Cultural Landscape and Monuments, with effect from 2006. | CollectieCentrum Nerderland (CC NL) Verbindingsweg 1 | 3826 PC Amersfoort | Netherlands | +31 (033) 421 7 456 | | | |
NL-Laren: private coll. | Private Collection | Laren | Netherlands | ||||
NL-Driebergen: private coll. | Private Collection | Driebergen | Netherlands | ||||
B-Damme | Museum Sint Janshospitaal | Kerkstraat 33, 8340 Damme | Belgium | +32 050 46 10 80 | +32 050 46 10 81 | [email protected] | |
NL-Egmond | Stichting Archeologie Egmond | Egmond | Netherlands | ||||
F-Paris: André Bissonet | André Bissonet (Antique Dealer) | 6 rue Pas de la Mule, Le Marais, Paris | France | ||||
D-Lübeck: Amt für Vor- und Frühgeschichte | Lübeck. Amt für Archäologische Denkmalpflege [formerly Amt für Vor- und Frühgeschichte] | Bodendenkmalpflege, Meesenring 8/II, 23566 Lübeck | Germany | +39 0451 6206 181 | +39 0451 6206 190 | | |
G-Stuttgart: Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg | Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg, Archäologie des Mittelalters | Berliner Straße 12 73728 Esslingen a.N. / Postfach 200152 73712 Esslingen a.N. | Germany | +49-711-66463-0 | +49-711-66463-444 | [email protected] | |
A-Graz: Steirisches Volkskundemuseum | Universalmuseum Johaneum: Volkskundemuseum | Paulustorgasse 13, A-8010 Graz | Austria | +43 316/8017 9900 | +43 316/8017 9888 | [email protected] | h |
A-Graz: Stadtmuseum | Stadtmuseum | Sackstrasse 18, A-8010 Graz | Austria | +43 316 872-7600 | [email protected] | | |
A-Graz: Diözesanmuseum (Grove: | Diözesanmuseum | Bürgergasse 2, 8010 Graz | Austria | +43 (316) 8041-890 | [email protected] | | |
I-Assisi: Convento di San Francesco | Convento di San Francesco | Piazza San Francesco 1, I-06082 Assisi | Italy | (+39) 075.819001 | (+39) 075.8190035 | [email protected] | |
I-Trieste | Civico Museo | Teatrale di Fondazione | Italy | +39 (040) 366 030 | | ||
I-Vittorio Veneto | Dipartimento di musica antica | via Lioni, 111, I-31029 Vittorio Veneto - TV | +39 (0438) 57 614 | ||||
C-BC: Victoria | Royal British Columbia Museum | 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC | Canada | +1 (250) 356-RBCM (7226) | +1 (250) 387-5674 | [email protected] | |
GB-Northampton | Central Museum and Art Gallery | Guildhall Road, Northampton NN1 1DP | United Kingdom | +44 (0)1604 838111 | | ||
GB-Norwich: Strangers Hall Mus. | Strangers Hall Museum | Charing Cross, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 4AL | United Kingdom | +44 (0)1603 667 229 & (0)7879 432984 | +44 (0)1603 493623 | | |
USA-CT: Litchfield | Litchfield Historical Society | 7 South Street, Litchefield CT 06759 | USA | +1 860-567-4501 | +1 06759 860-567-3565 | [email protected] | |
USA-MA: Sturbridge | Old Sturbrdige Village | 1 Old Sturbridge Village, MA | USA | +1 01566 0200 (508-347-3362) | +1 01566 0200 (508-347-5375) | | |
USA-NY: Riverhead | Suffolk County Historical Society | 300 West Main St, Riverhead, NY | USA | +1 (631) 727-2881 | +1 631) 727-3467 | [email protected] | |
USA-OR: Eugene | University of Oregon School of Music | School of Music h1225, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR | United States of America (USA) | +1 97403 (541-346-3761) | | ||
USA-TX: San Antonio | George R. Gregory | 132 Linda Drive, San Antonio TX | United States of America (USA) | +1 78216 (512-822-0416) | |||
USA-VA: Willamsburg | Colonial Willamsburg Foundation | P.O. Box 1776, 23187-1776 (309 First Street), Williamsburg | United States of America (USA) | +1 (757) 229-1000 or 1-800-447-8679 | [email protected] | | |
I: Paolo Faeti | Paolo Faeti | Italy | |||||
G-Fulda: Erlebniswelt-Blockflöte | Erlebniswelt-Blockflöte / Recorder World Museum | Weichselstr. 27, D-36043 Fulda | Germany | +49 (0)661 94 67 0 | +49 (0)661 94 67 36 | [email protected] | |
CH-Zurich: Kunstgewerbemuseum | Zürich: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (formerly Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich) | Ausstellungsstrasse 60, CH-8005 Zürich | Switzerland | +41 43 446 67 67 | +41 43 446 45 67 | [email protected] | |
USA-PA-Philadelphia: Samuel T. Freeman & Co. | Samuel T. Freeman & Co. | 1808 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 | United States of America (USA) | +! 215 563 9275 | +1 215 563 8236 | [email protected] | |
GB-Durham: Bowes | The Bowes Museum | Barnard Castle, County Durham. DL12 8NP | United Kingdom | +44 01833) 690606 | +44 (01833) 637163 | [email protected] | |
I-Milan: G. Bizzi | Italy | ||||||
GB: Richard Harvey | Richard Harvey | United Kingdom | | | |||
Brazil-Sao Paulo: R. Kanji | Ricardo Kanji | Sao Paulo | Brazil | ||||
D-Bavaria: Bogenhaus | Bogenhaus Museum | Bayern | Germany | ||||
A-Stift: Schlägl | Stift Schlägl | 4160 Schlägl 1 | Austria | +43 (0) 7281/8801-0 | +43 (0) 7281/8801-227 | [email protected] | |
J-Hamamatsu: Museum | Museum of Musical Instruments | 108-1 Itaya-cho, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken 430-7790 | Japan | +81 053-451-1128 | +81-53-451-1129 | | |
Stimmer | Stimmer | ? Germany | |||||
N-Trondheim: Ringve-Mus. | Ringve Museum | Lade Allé 60, 7041 Trondheim | Norway | 73 87 02 80 | 73 87 02 81 | [email protected] | |
F-Bellenaves: Renard | Jean Michel Renard | 10 route de la Gare, 03330 Bellenaves | France | +33 (0)4 70 58 33 06 | (33) 470 58 36 37 | [email protected] | |
I-Milan: Museo Teatrale alla Scala | Museo Teatrale alla Scala | Largo Ghiringhelli 1, Piaza Scala, 20121 Milan | Italy | +39 02 88 79 2473 / 7473 | +39 02 88 79 20 90 | [email protected] | |
D-Cologne: Hünerbein | Bernhard von Hünerbein (dispersed; ? USA-SD-Vermillion: National Music Museum) | Cologne | Germany | ||||
NL: Apeldoorn | Apeldoorn | Netherlands | |||||
F-Paris: Veilhan | J.C. Veilhan | Paris | France | ||||
GB-Torquay: Museum | Torquay Museum | 529 Babbacombe Road, Torquay, Devon TQ1 1HG | United Kingdom (GB) | +44 (01803) 293975 | +44 (01803) 294186 | [email protected] | |
USA-CT-New Haven: Yale | Morris Steinert Collection of Musical Instruments | 15 Hillhouse Ave, PO Box 208278, New Haven CT 06520 | United States of America (USA) | +1 203 432-0822 | [email protected] | | |
NL-Amsterdam: Historisch Museum | Amsterdam Historisch Museum, now Amsterdam Museum | Herengracht 603 1017 CE Amsterdam | Netherlands | +31 020 5231 822 | [email protected] | | |
CH-Konstanz | ? Private Collection | ||||||
D-Ilshofen: Thalheimer | Die Flötensammlung von Peter Thalheimer und Eva Praetorius | Eichholzstr. 11, 74532 Ilshofen | Germany | 07904 9 54 05 | [email protected] | | |
F-Paris: L.Kaltenback | L. Kaltenback | Paris | France | ||||
CH-Basle: Aeon Workshop Collection | Aeon Workshop Collection | Switzerland | |||||
NL-Dokkum: Steenmuseum | Steenmuseum Het Admiraliteitshuis | Diepswal 27, 9101 LA Dokkum | Netherlands | +31 0519-293134 | [email protected] | | |
USA-NC-Durham: Duke | The G. Norman and Ruth G. Eddy Collection of Musical Instruments | Mary Duke Biddle Music Building, Duke University, 105 Mary Duke Biddle, Box 90665 Durham, NC 27701 | United States of America (USA) | +1 919 660 3320 | +1 919 660 3301 | [email protected] | |
D-Lucerne: Richard-Wagner-Museum (Grove: CH.L.wm) | Richard-wagner-Museum: Collection of historic musical instruments | Richard Wagner Weg 27, CH- 6005 Lucerne | Switzerland | +41 (0)41 360 23 70 | +41 (0)41 360 23 79 | [email protected] | |
GR-Rhodes: Palace | Palace of the Knights of St John | Ippoton Str., Medieval Town, Rhodes 85100 | Greece | +30 224 136 5270 | [email protected] | | |
EE-Tartu: Linnamuseum | Tartu Linnamuseum | Narva mnt 23, 51009 | Estonia | +372 746 1913 | [email protected] | | |
I-Rome: Academia | Il Museo Instrumentale dell'Academia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, | Auditorium Parco della Musica, viale de Coubertin, 00196 Rome | Italy | +39 06 80242 382 | [email protected] | | |
GB-Waddesdon Manor | Waddesdon Manor | Waddesdon, near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP18 0JH | United Kingdom (UK) | +44 (0) 1296 653226 | +44 (0) 1296 653212 | [email protected] | |
D-Pavel | Andreas and Karin von Pavel | Germany | |||||
USA-NJ-Newark: Rutgers | Institute of Jazz Studies, Rutgers University | John Cotton Dana Library, 185 University Ave, Newark, New Jersey -7102 | United States of America (USA) | +1 (973) 353-5595 | +1 (973) 353-5944 | [email protected] | |
H-Budapest: Liszt Ferenc Academy | Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music | Main building,1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8. I.emelet | Hungary | +36 1 462 4600 | [email protected] | | |
RO-Sibiu: Brukenthal | Muzeul National Brukenthal / The Brukenthal National Museum | Piata Mare 4-5, 550163 Sibiu | Romania | +40 269 21 16 99 & 21 76 91 | +40 269 21 15 45 | [email protected] | |
I-Milan: Private Collection | Details witheld by request. | Italy | |||||
CH-Geneva: Ménestrandie | Fondation 'La Ménestrandie' | 9, rue Ferdinand-Hodler - 1207 Genève | Switzerland | +41 (22) 736 34 42 | +41 (22) 736 34 42 | | |
Australia-Sydney: Powerhouse | Powerhouse Museum | Sydney | Australia | +61 (02) 9217 0222 | [email protected] | | |
I-Parma: Conservatorio | Museo storico-musciale 'Riccardo Barilla' del Conservatorio 'Arrigo Boito' | Via del Conservatorio, 27/A 43100 - Parma | Italy | 0521 381911 | 0521 200398 | [email protected] | |
F-Marseille | Musée Grobet Labadié | 140 boulevard Longchamp 13001, Marseille | France | 04 91 62 21 82 | 04 91 55 33 60 | [email protected] | |
F-Paris: Sallaberry | Georges & Xavier Sallaberry (private collection) | Paris | France | ||||
I-Florence: Museo degli strumenti musicali | Museo degli strumenti musicali (Galleria dell'Accademia) | Via Ricasoli 58-60, Firenze | Italy | +39 0552388609 | +39 055 2388612 | [email protected] | |
D-Augsburg: Maximilian | Maximilian Museum | Philippine Welser Straße 24, D-86150 Augsburg | Germany | +49 821 324 4111 | +49 821 324 4105 | | |
I-Modena: Estense | Galleria Estense | Palazzo dei Musei, Largo Porta Sant'Agostino, 337 41121 Modena | Italy | +39 059 4395711 | [email protected] | | |
I-Belluno: F. Velluti | Federico Velluti | Belluno | Italy | ||||
S-Stockholm: Nydahl | Stiftelsen Musikkulturens Främjande, The Nydahl Collection | Riddargatan 35-37, S-114 57 Stockholm | Sweden | +46 8-661 71 71 | [email protected] | | |
Australia-Melbourne: Medical History Museum | Medical History Museum | Level 2, Brownless Biomedical Library, University of Melbourne, Vic. 3010 | Australia | +61 3 8344 5719 | +61 3 8344 7762 | [email protected] | |
GB-Stockport: Turner | John Turner | Stockport | England (GB, UK) | | |||
USA-PA-Philadelphia: Vintage Instruments | Vintage Instruments | 507 South Broad Street, Philadelphia PA 19147 | United States of America (USA) | +1 215-545-1100 | [email protected] | | |
CH-Reinach: Tarasov | Nikolaj Tarasov | Reinach | Switzerland | [email protected] | |||
USA-DC-Washington: Smithson. | Smithsonian Institution | National Mall, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. | United States of America (USA) | +1 (202) 633-1000 | [email protected] | | |
GB-Birmingham: Conservatoire | Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Historical Instrument Collection | Birmingham City University, Paradise Place, Birmingham B3 3HG, UK | United Kingdom (UK, GB) | +44 (0)121 331 7211 | [email protected]. | | |
F-Paris: Louvre | Musée du Louvre | 34, Rue du Louvre, 75001 Paris | France | +33 1 40 20 58 24 | | ||
F-Bourg-en-Bresse | Musée departmental de pays de L'Ain | 34, rue Général Delestraint, Bourg-en-Bresse | France | 04 74 32 10 60 | [email protected] | | |
F-L'Aigle | Musée des instruments de musique de L'Aigle | Place Fulbert de Beina, 61300 L'Aigle | France | 02 33 84 16 16 / 02 33 84 94 94 | [email protected] | | |
F-Nice: Musée du Palais Lascaris | Musée des Arts Decoratifs Baroque – Palais Lascaris | 15 rue Droite, Nice | France | +33 04 93 62 72 40 | [email protected] | | |
F-Clamecy | Musée d'Arts et d'Histoire Romain-Rolland | Hôtel de Bellegarde, Avenue de la République, 58500 Clemecy | France | +33 03 86 27 17 99 | +33 03 86 27 12 72 | [email protected] | |
F-Colmar: Musée d'Unterlinden | Musée d'Unterlinden | 1 rue d'Unterlinden, F - 68000 Colmar | France | +33 (0)3 89 20 15 50 | | | |
E-Valladolid: Joaquín Díaz | Fundación Centro Etnogáafico Joaquín Díaz | C/ Real, 4, 47862 Urueña, Valladiolid | Spain | +34 983 717 472 | [email protected] | | |
PL-Nysa: Muzeum | Muzeum Nyskie | ul. Biskupa Jaros³awa 11, 48-300 Nysa | Poland | +48 77 433 2083 | +48 77 433 2083 | [email protected] | |
I-Venice: Museo Correr | Museo Correr | Piazza San Marco 52, 30124 Venice | Italy | +39 04 12 40 52 11 | [email protected] | | |
D-Göttingen: Musikinstrumentensammlung | Musikinstrumentensammlung Georg-August-Universität | Kurze Geismarstr. 1, D-37073 Göttingen | Germany | +49-(0)551/39-5075 | +49-(0)551/39-9353 | [email protected] | |
D-Blankenburg: Kloster Michaelstein | Instrumentenmuseum Michaelstein der Stiftung Kloster Michaelstein | 38889 Michaelstein 3, Blankenburg/Harz | Germany | +49 3944 / 9030-0 | +49 3944 / 9030-0 | [email protected] | |
D-Dresden: Schloss Pillnitz | Schloss & Park Pillnitz | August-Böckstiegel-Straße 2, 01326 Dresden | Germany | +49 (0)351 26 13-260 | +49 (0)351 26 13-280 | [email protected] | |
NL-Brielle: Historisch Museum Den Briel | Historisch Museum Den Briel | Markt 1 - 3231 AH Brielle | Netherlands | +34 (0)181 475 475 | +34 (0)181 475 476 | [email protected] | |
PL-Jasna Góra Monastery | Klasztor Ojców Paulinów Jasna Góra | ks. Augustyna Kordeckiego 2 Czestochowa, Jasna Góra | Poland | +48 34 377 77 77 | +48 34 377 72 00 | [email protected] | |
GB-Manchester: Anthony Burgess Foundation | Anthony Burgess Foundation | Engine House, Chorlton Mill, 3 Cambridge Street, Manchester, M1 5BY | United Kingdom | +44 (0)161 235 0776 | [email protected] | | |
PL-Poznan: Museum | Instrumentów Muzycznych w PoznaniuMuzeum | Aleje Marcinkowskiego 9, 61-745 Poznań | Poland | +48 61 85 68 000 | +48 61 85 15 898 | [email protected] | |
PL-Krakow: Czartoryski Museum | Princes Czartoryski Muzeum | al. 3 Maja 1 30-062 Kraków | Poland | +48 12 433 55 00 | [email protected] | | |
GB-Guildford: MacMillan | Douglas MacMillan | Guildford | Great Britain | +44 (0)1483 533 019 | [email protected] | | |
Ecuador-Quito: Museo Pedro Pablo Traversari | Museo de Instrumentos Musicales Pablo Pedro Traversari | Edificio de los Espejos, Quito 170136 | Ecuador | +593 2 222 1006 ext. 422 | [email protected] | | |
I-Genova: Vagge | Private Collection,Vagge family, currently kept by Claudio Cacco, Genova | Genova | Italy | ||||
I-Fontanelle: V. Gilardone | V. Gilardone | Fontanelle | Italy | ||||
I-Parma: Private | Parma | Italy | |||||
GB-London: RAM | Royal Academy of Music | Marlylebone Road, London NW1 5HT | United Kingdom | +44 (0)20 7873 7373 | | ||
D-Markneukirchen | Musikinstrumenten-Museum Markneukirchen | 08258 Markneukirchen Bienengarten 2 | Germany | +49 (0) 37422 2018 | +49 (0) 37422 6023 | [email protected] | |
D-Zwota: Schneider | Ralf Schneider | Klingenthaler Str. 8, 08267 Zwota | Germany | +49 037467-22234 | +49 037467 22232 | [email protected] | |
Brazil-Rio de Janeiro: Museu | Museu Instrumental Delgado de Carvalho da Escola de Música da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | Escola de Música da UFRJ Rua do Passeio, 98 Lapa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, CEP: 20.021-290 | Brazil | +55 (21) 2240-1391 | [email protected] | | |
J-Saitama | Private Collection | Saitama | Japan | ||||
J-Tokyo: Private | Japan | ||||||
I-Leuterius | Leuterius | 19/C, Via Rialto - 40124 Bologna | Italy | +39 051 7459355 | | ||
CH-Bern: Klingendes | Klingendes Museum | Klingendes Museum, Kramgasse 66, CH-3011 Bern | Switzerland | +41 31 311 01 37 | [email protected] | | |
D-Munich: Bogenhauser | Sammlung Bogenhauser | ? Munich | ? Germany | ||||
NL-Dordrecht | Dordrechts Museum | Museumstraat 40, 3311 XP, Dordrecht | Netherlands | +31 (0)78 770 8708 | [email protected] | | |
USA-Greenville: Sigal Music Museum | Sigal Music Museum | Heritage Green Campus 516, Buncombe Street Greenville, SC 29601 | United States of America | 864-520-8807 | [email protected] | | |
I-Bologna: Rossi | Gian Enzo Rossi | Bologna | Italy | ||||
Abbreviation | Name | Address | Country | Phone | Fax | WWW |
Cite this article as: Lander, Nicholas S. 1996–2025. Recorder Home Page: Instruments: Historic makers, instruments & collections: Instrument Collections. Last accessed 11 March 2025.