
This bibliography covers a range of topics concerning the work of more-or-less contemporary recorder makers. A more convenient and flexible way of exploring it is via the Zotero citation database underlying this web-site. The Zotero interface is straightforward to use and allows you to export selected entries in a variety of formats and to create your own citation lists in a range of journal styles. All you need is your web-browser. This will be of particular assistance to students and researchers.

  • Albrecht, Christian. 1995. “Blockflötenbau Küng, Schaffhausen—ein Firmenportrait [The Recorder Maker Küng in Schaffhausen: Portrait of a Firm].” SAJM Zeitschrift Für Instrumentenbau 23 (1): 10–16.
  • Alexandra, Kate. 1999. “Letters to the Editor: One-Hand Key Systems.” Recorder Magazine 19 (4): 156.
  • Alexandra, Kate. 1999. “The Dolmetsch Gold Series Recorder for One Hand.” Recorder Magazine 18 (4): 127–29.
  • Amman, Heinz, and Siegfried Jud. 1996. “Es geht eine helle Flöte … [A Bright Recorder is heard …].” Intrada 2 (3): 26–30.
  • Amman, Heinz, and Nik Tarasov. 2001. “Auf der Suche nach der Seele: Historische Blockflöten als Vorbilder im Blockflötenbau [In Search of the Soul: Historical Recorders as Models for Recorder Making].” Windkanal, no. 4: 16–19.
  • Barnes, Rachel. 2002. “New Instruments for New Music.” Recorder Magazine 22 (1): 30–31.
  • Berger, Christina. 2000. “Aus der Blockflötenwerkstatt: Herbert Paetzold & das ‘klingende Sperrholz’ [From the Recorder Workshop: Herbert Paetzold and ‘Sounding Plywood’].” Windkanal, no. 3: 11–13.
  • Bitters, David L. 1981. “Hand Crafting Recorders: A Visit to the Workshop of Clarence James.” American Recorder 20 (1): 10–13.
  • Bollinger, Geri. 2008. “Die Entwicklung eines Subbasses–ein Werkstattbericht [The Development of a sub-bass–a report from the workshop].” Tibia 33 (3): 192–98.
  • Bouterse, Jan. 1985. “Communication 641: The Microwave Way: Drying Boxwood Fast and Easy.” FoMRHI Quarterly 40: 74–45.
  • Bouterse, Jan. 2006. “De ‘moderne alt’ van Mollenhauer-Tarasov [The  Mollenahuer-Tarasov ‘Modern Alto’].” Bouwbrief 121: 7–9.
  • Bowman, Peter. 1994. “The Birth of a Truly Contemporary Recorder.” Recorder Magazine 15 (4): 126–27.
  • Brodie, Gary. 1993. “Recorder Makers at Home.” Recorder Magazine 13 (1): 17–18.
  • Broege, Tom. 2004. “On the Cutting Edge: New Types of ‘modern’ Recorders Being Developed.” American Recorder 45 (1): 41–43.
  • Brown, Adrian. 1990. “Blockflötenbauer und Blockflötenspieler, ein kooperatives Verhältnis? [Recorder builders and recorder players, a cooperative relationship?].” Flötentage Bremen, Programme Booklet, 30–33.
  • Burgess, Geoffrey. 2015. Well-Tempered Woodwinds: Friedrich von Huene and the Making of Early Music in a New World. Bloomington & Indianapolis: University Press.
  • Catalan, Jean S. 1998. “Roggenbrot, Schafskäse & Blockflöten [Rye Bread, Sheep Cheese, and Recorders].” Windkanal, no. 2: 12–13.
  • Cohrs, Benjamin G. 2001. “Margret Löbner, Bremen.” Windkanal, no. 1: 30–31.
  • Davies, Malcolm. 1994. “Interview: Guido Klemisch.” Recorder Magazine 14 (2): 48–50.
  • Delius, Nikolaus. 1997. “Dr. Hermann Moeck on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday.” Recorder Magazine 17 (4): 159.
  • Eberle, Ambros. 1988. “Klingendes, singendes Holz: Vom Holzblock der Blockflöte = Le bois qui chante: La flûte à bec [Sounding, Singing Wood: On the Block of the Recorder].” Heimatleben = Costumes et coutumes 6: 18–21.
  • Ehlert, Ralf. 2003. “‘Wenn wir alles wüssten, gäbe es für keinen ein Grund, weiterzumachen’: Ralf Ehlert im Gespräch mit dem Blockflötenbauer Adrian Brown [‘If we knew everything, there wouldn’t be any reason to continue’: Ralf Ehlert in Conversation with the Recorder Maker Adrian Brown].” Tibia 28 (1): 332–39.
  • Ehlert, Ralf, and Sabine Haase-Moeck. 1999. “The Charles Darwin of Early Music: Friedrich von Huene im Gespräch mit Ralf Ehlert und Sabine Haase-Moeck [The Charles Darwin of Early Music: Friedrich von Huene in Conversation with Ralf Ehlert and Sabine Haase-Moeck].” Tibia 24 (2): 443–49.
  • Eicken, Alexa. 2001. “Jean-Luc Boudreau: Alexa Eicken sprach mit dem Blockflötenbauer aus Montréal [Jean-Luc Boudreau: Alexa Eicken Spoke with the Recorder Maker from Montreal].” Windkanal, no. 2: 12–14.
  • Epstein, Jan. 1989. “Profile: Georg Gieger.” The Recorder: Australia’s Journal of Recorder & Early Music 9: 20–23.
  • Epstein, Jan. 1986. “Jean François Beaudin.” Recorder: Journal of the Victorian Recorder Guild 5: 1–6.
  • Ettlin, Alex. 1993. “Gerhard Huber, Blockflötenbau Horgen: Ein Firmenporträt” [Gerhard Huber Recorder Factory in Horgen: a Portrait of the Company].” SAJM Zeitschrift 21 (6): 35–42.
  • Feider, Denise. 1994. “Mollenhauer Conrad, Blockflötenbau Fulda—ein Firmenportrait.” SAJM Zeitschrift 22 (5): 9–17.
  • Feider, Denise. 1998. “‘Ich werde einfach arbeiten, solange es mir möglich ist . . .“: Ein Werkstattgespräch mit Andreas Schöni, Blockflötenbauer in Bern [”I simply want to work as long as it’s possible for me . . .’  : A Workshop Conversation with Andreas Schöni, Recorder Maker in Bern].” SAJM Zeitschrift 26 (3): 2–13.
  • Fischer, Johannes. 1996. “Hat die Zukunft im Blockflötenbau bereits begonnen? Eine neue Tenorblockflöte von Maarten Helder [Has the Future of Recorder Construction Already Arrived? A New Tenor Recorder by Maarten Helder].” Üben & Musizieren 6: 51–53.
  • Form, Michael. 2016. “‘Ein Instrument, das mich disziplinieren würde.’ Ein persönlicher Nachruf auf Ernst Meyer dit Ernst le Bec  24.12.54 – 04.06.2016.” Tibia, no. 4: 285–88.
  • Gagnon, Robert, and François Filiatrault. 1983. “Interview avec Jean-Luc Boudreau, facteur de flûtes à bec [Interview With Jean-Luc Boudreau, Recorder Maker].” Le Tic-Toc-Choc 4 (4): 10–11.
  • Geissmann, Annemarie. 1990. “Der Blockflötenbau in der Schweiz [Recorder-making in Switzeralnd].” Tibia 15 (1): 43–44.
  • Godby, Paul J. 1996. “Reflections of a Right-Handed Recorder Player.” American Recorder 37 (1): 11–13.
  • Godby, Paul J. 2002. “A New Tenor for Paul Godby.” American Recorder 43 (3): 16–17.
  • Goembel, Luke. 1995. “Recorder Making at Moeck.” Woodwind Quarterly 10: 36–58.
  • Helder, Martin. 1996. “The Harmonic Recorder.” Recorder Education Journal 3: 27–29.
  • Herzog, H.K. 1975. “Die Blockflöte in unserer Zeit: Ein Gespräch mit Dr. Hermann Moeck [The Recorder in Our Time: A Conversation with Dr. Hermann Moeck].” Das Musikinstrument:internat ionales Fachblatt für Herstellung, Handel, Handwerk und Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Musikinstrumente und Musikelektronik 24 (6): 878–80.
  • Higbee, Dale. 1985. “On Playing Recorders in D: Being a Short History of the Odd-Sized Recorders and Concerning the Revival of the Voice Flute and Sixth Flute.” American Recorder 26 (1): 16–21.
  • Hulthèn, A.L. 1997. “Ragnar blandar tekniken med musiken = Ragnar Blends Technology with Music.” Kontakt
  • Hunt, Edgar H. 1981. “Another One-Handed Recorder.” Recorder & Music 7 (3): 66–67.
  • Hunt, Edgar H. 1982. “The One-Handed Recorder.” Recorder and Music 7 (6): 145.
  • Hunt, Edgar H. 1977. “Recorders Based on Eighteenth-Century Models.” Recorder and Music 5 (10): 338–39.
  • Hunt, Edgar H. 1983. “Tim Cranmore: An Interview.” Recorder & Music 7 (11): 282.
  • Hunt, Edgar H., ed. 1978. “Alec Loretto: An Interview.” Recorder & Music 6 (4): 101–2.
  • Hunt, Edgar H. 1972. “European Impressions: Dutch Playing, Modern and Historic Instruments.” Recorder and Music Magazine 4 (4): 122–23.
  • Hunt, Edgar H. 1973. “A Recorder for France.” Recorder and Music Magazine 4 (5): 161.
  • Hunt, Edgar H., ed. 1984. “An Interview with Alec Loretto.” Recorder and Music Magazine 8 (1): 6–9.
  • Hunt, Edgar H. 1982. “John Willman: An Interview.” Recorder & Music 7 (5): 118–19.
  • Izquierdo, Joan. 1997. “La flauta tenor armónica.” Revista de flauta de pico 9: 23–25.
  • Jirka, Rudolf R. 1995. “‘Stille Stütze des Musiklebens’ – Renaissance- und Barockinstrumentenstudio und Blockflötenbau bei der Firma Moeck in Celle – ein aufschlußreicher Besuch [‘Quiet Support of Musical Life’ – Renaissance and Baroque Instrument Studio and Recorder Making at Moeck in Celle – A Revealing Visit].” SAJM Zeitschrift 7 (8): 15–18.
  • Jones, Sid. 2010. “Towards an Affordable South African Recorder.” FoMRHI Quarterly 117: 24–35.
  • Kanji, Ricardo, and Jacqueline Sorel. 1994. “Authenticity in Recorder Making.” Woodwind Quarterly 4: 46–56.
  • Kirk, Douglas. 1990. “An Interview with Jean-Luc Boudreau.” Continuo 15 (2): 2–5.
  • Kliphuis, Harry. 1968. “First Coolsma Bressan.” Recorder and Music Magazine 2 (10): 334.
  • Krüger, Irene. 1992. “Strathmann-Flöten [Strathmann Flutes].” Clarino
  • Kubitschek, Ernst. 1983. “Hermann Moeck senior†.” Tibia 8 (1): 273.
  • Kuijken, Barthold. 2014. “In memoriam Martin Skowroneck (21. Dezember 1926–14. Mai 2014).” Translated by Tilman Skowronek. Windkanal, no. 3: 28–29.
  • Kunath, Jo, and Gisela Rothe. 2000. “Portrait: Adriana Breukink.” Windkanal, no. 2: 11–15.
  • Küng, Andreas. 1999. “Blockflötenbau: Bereit für den Spagat [Recorder Making: Ready to do the Splits].” Windkanal, no. 3: 20–21.
  • Langeheinecke, Renate. 1996. “Die Grunwald-Trichterflöte auf Konzerttour [The Grunwald Funnel Recorder on Tour].” In Internationales Blockflöten Symposium Kassel, ERTA Kongress, 6–9. Juni 1996, Vorträge und Dokumentation, 35–37.
  • Langer, Rudolf. 1994. “Flöten als Behinderteninstrument [Flutes as Instruments for the Disabled].” Das Musikinstrument internationales Fachblatt für Herstellung, Handel, Handwerk und Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Musikinstrumente und Musikelektronik 43 (5): 69–70.
  • Lerch, Thomas. 1992. “Neuer Schwung für die Blockflöte? Die ‘Strathmann-Flöte’ [A New Impetus for the Recorder? The ‘Strathmann Flute’].” Das Musikinstrument internationales Fachblatt für Herstellung, Handel, Handwerk und Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Musikinstrumente und Musikelektronik, 121–22.
  • Lewis, Mildred. 1960. “How Recorders Are Made: At the Workshop of Friedrich von Huene.” American Recorder 1 (4): 4–6.
  • Loretto, Alec V. 1977. “Recorders Made by Alec Loretto.” Recorder  Music 5 (12): 388–90.
  • Loretto, Alec V. 1987. “Establishing Historic Instruments: A Conversation in Auckland with Alec Loretto.” Early Music New Zealand 3 (2): 22-227). 3 (2): 22–27.
  • Loretto, Alec V. 2002. “It Wasn’t Planned, It Just Happened.” Sound Ideas: Canterbury Studies in Music Education 5 (3).
  • Marvin, Bob. 1986. “Making Renaissance Recorders.” Continuo 9 (4): 2–7.
  • Marvin, Bob. 1972. “A Recorder Odyssey: Searching for a Renaissance Consort.” Recorder and Music Magazine 4 (4): 102–3.
  • Marvin, Bob. 1980. “Letters from Bob Marvin.” Continuo 3 (4): 3–9.
  • Mayes, Andrew. 2001. “The Dream Flute: Andrew Mayes Talks to Adriana Breukink about a New Instrument Designed for Mollenhauer.” Recorder Magazine 21 [marked21a] (1): 12–13.
  • Mayes, Andrew. 1996. “Interview: Tim Cranmore.” Recorder Magazine 16 (1): 4–6.
  • Mayes, Andrew. 1999. “An Interview with Friedrich von Huene.” Recorder Magazine 19 (3): 90–93.
  • Merger, C.E. 1970. “Friedrich von Huene: The Man, His Work and His Family.” American Recorder 11 (1): 3–7.
  • Moeck, Hermann A. 1996. “Ein neue Behindertenflöte von Aulos” [Aulos’ New Recorder for the Disabled].” Tibia 21 (4): 289.
  • Moeck, Hermann A. 1982. “Recorders: Hand Made and Machine-Made.” Early Music 10 (1): 10–13.
  • Moeck, Hermann A. 1988. “Zum 100. Mal die völlig beklappte Blockflöte erfunden… [For the 100th Time, the Fully Keyed Recorder Invented…].” Tibia 13 (4): 293.
  • Moeck, Hermann A. 1979. “Friedrich der Grosse fünfzig (20.2.1979) [Frederick the Great, 50 (20 February 1979)].” Tibia 4 (2): 147–49.
  • Moeck, Hermann A. 2002. “Abschied vom Beruf und kurzgefasster Rückblick [Farewell to my Profession and a Brief Glance Back].” Tibia 27 (4): 241–44.
  • Mollenhauer, Bernhard. 1997. “Der lange Atem—einer Flötenmarke [The Long Breath—a Recorder Brand].” Windkanal, no. 1: 20–22.
  • Mollenhauer, Conrad. 1959. “Vom Baumstamm zur Blockflöte: Der Werdegang eines beliebten Musikinstruments [From Tree Trunk to Recorder: The Development of a Favorite Musical Instrument].” Das Musikinstrument internationales Fachblatt für Herstellung, Handel, Handwerk und Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Musikinstrumente und Musikelektronik 7 (1): 18–19.
  • Müller-Busch, Innes. 2005. “Porträt: Ernst Meyer—Das Erbe Fred Morgans: Gedanken über Gegenwart und Zukunft des Blockflötenbaus [Portrait: Ernst Meyer—The Successor to Fred Morgan: Thoughts on the Present and Future of Recorder-making].” Tibia 30 (1): 335–41.
  • Myllylä, Juho. 2022. “Adriana Breukink 1957-2022.” Recorder Magazine 42 (4): 164–65.
  • Nieuwhof, Ben. 2013. “Mijn lifje wat wil je nog meer …” Bouwbrief 150: 42.
  • O’Kelly, Eve. 1995. “Professional Recorder Players (and Their Instruments) II: The Twentieth Century.” In The Cambridge Companion to the Recorder, edited by John Mansfield Thomson and Anthony Rowland-Jones, 175–83. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ohannesian, David. 1991. “Couldn’t Make an Exact Copy If I Tried!” American Recorder 32 (2): 8–10, 36–37.
  • Oler, Wesley M. 1967. “A Visit to the Kelischek Workshop.” American Recorder 8 (2): 54–57.
  • Post, Nora. 1982. “An Interview with Friedrich von Huene.” American Recorder 23 (4): 147–49.
  • Pratt, Bill. 1973. “Dr. Hermann Moeck Talks about His Firm.” American Recorder 14 (2): 3–8.
  • Prescott, Thomas M. 1983. “Making Recorders.” American Recorder 2 (3): 95–98.
  • Prescott, Thomas M. 2021. “Tom Prescott, a Fifty-Year Journey.” Recorder  Magazine 41 (2): 55–58.
  • Quandt, Reinhold. 1992. “Dr. Hermann Moeck wird 70” [Dr. Hermann Moeck Turns 70] (Das Porträt).” Tibia 17 (3): 194–97.
  • Redsell, Matthew J. 1989. “Ingeborg von Huene.” Continuo 13 (1): 2–5.
  • Redsell, Matthew J. 1987. “The Life and Times of a Recorder Maker.” Continuo 11 (5): 2–6.
  • Reinhardt, Kay. 2000. “Phil Bleazey Winwoods [sic]: Ein Flötenbauer aus Kent auf dem 10. Tanz- und Folkfest Rudolstadt [Phil Bleazey Woodwinds: A Recorder Maker from Kent at the Tenth Dance and Folk Festival, Rudolstadt].” Windkanal, no. 4: 20–21.
  • Reyne, Hugo. 1983. “Les facteurs et fabricants de flûtes à bec dans le monde entier: Liste durement et fraîchement établie [The Makers and Manufacturers of Recorders Worldwide: List Compiled Anew and with Difficulty].” Flûte à bec & instruments anciens 8: 16–18.
  • Richardson, Paul. 1997. “Entrevista con Alec Loretto [Interview with Alec Loretto].” Revista de flauta de pico 7: 3–8, 26.
  • Richardson, Paul. 2001. “Entrevista con . . . Adrian Brown [Interview with . . . Adrian Brown].” Revista de flauta de pico 17: 3–6.
  • Ritchie, Jacqueline. 1982. “Entretien avec Annie Sturbois et Daniel Bariaux [Interview with Annie Sturbois and Daniel Bariaux].” Flûte à bec 3: 18–20.
  • Ritchie, Jacqueline. 1988. “Un grand facteur américain: Friedrich von Huene [A Great American Maker: Friedrich von Huene].” Flûte à bec & instruments anciens 24: 3–5.
  • Ritchie, Jacqueline. 1982. “Entretien avec Guido Hulsens, Fluthier [Interview with Guido Hulsens, Recorder Maker].” Flûte à bec 2: 19–20.
  • Ritchie, Jacqueline. 1982. “Rencontre avec Claude Monin [Meeting with Claude Monin].” Flûte à bec 3: 21–22.
  • Rose, Pete. 1996. “A New Recorder for New Music.” American Recorder 37 (4): 18–10.
  • Rothe, Gisela. 2002. “Helder Blockflöten: Konstruktion & Bauweise [Helder Recorders: Construction & Manufacture].” Windkanal, no. 2: 25–27.
  • Rothe, Gisela. 2000. “Coolsma von AAFAB BV [Coolsma of AAFAB BV].” Windkanal, no. 1: 31–32.
  • Rothe, Gisela. 2000. “Eduardo Valdivia Rivera: Stradivari, Kynseker & Co.” Windkanal, no. 4: 10–12.
  • Rowland-Jones, Anthony. 2010. “Some Memories of Dr Hermann Moeck.” Recorder Magazine 30 (4): 125–26.
  • Sacksteder, Richard. 1979. “Profile: Philip Levin.” American Recorder 29 (2): 58–62.
  • Saunders, Joanne. 1989. “Reflections of a Recorder Maker.” Recorder: Journal of the Victorian Recorder Guild 9: 29–30.
  • Schmidt, Susanne. 1987. “Primitives instrument voller Rätsel : Ein Gespräch mit den Tübinger Flötenbaumeister Joachim Paetzold [A Primitive Instrument Full of Puzzles—A Conversation with the Tübingen Recorder Maker Joachim Paetzold].” Tibia 12 (3): 518–19.
  • Schubert, Nadja. 2002. “Harmonische Blockflöten als neue Generations in der Blockflötenfamili [The Harmonic Recorder, a New Generation of the Recorder Family].” Windkanal, no. 2: 22–24.
  • Schwanse, U. 1998. “Integration behinderter Menschen in Musikschulen.” Windkanal, no. 1: 26–27.
  • Sela, Bárbara, and Guido Peñalver. 1996. “Fabricantes de flautas de pico en el siglo XX.” Revista de flauta de pico.
  • Schoch, Kristina. 2014. “Im Porträt: Andreas Schwob. Der Meister vorbarocker Block!öten.” Windkanal, no. 3: 14–17.$E2$80$9315+aus+Windkanal+2014-3.pdf
  • Simpson, Adrienne. 1986. “Making Recorders of Gidgee, Tawa and Black Maire.” Continuo November: 2–5.
  • Simpson, Adrienne. 1985. “David Coomber in Conversation.” Early Music New Zealand 1 (1): 3–7.
  • Snelling, Virginia. 1986. “Flûte á bec médiévale [The Medieval Recorder].” Flûte á bec & instruments anciens 17: 11.
  • Stavenhagen, Andreas. 1996. “Bei den Holzbläsinstrumenten findet man zurück zu alten Klangidealen [Returning to Old Sound Ideals on Woodwind Instruments].” Das Musikinstrument internationales Fachblatt für Herstellung, Handel, Handwerk und Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Musikinstrumente und Musikelektronik 45 (4): 68–77.
  • Strathmann, Arnfred. 1992. “Flute Mouthpiece with Adjustable Core Gap.” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 92 (4): 2285.
  • Strathmann, Arnfred. 1989. “Flöte (Blockflöte mit Klappensystem) [Flute (recorder with key system)].” Musik International 43: 138–39.
  • Tarasov, Nik. 1998. “Portrait: Joachim Paetzold.” Windkanal, no. 3: 10–11.
  • Tarasov, Nik. 2000. “Gyula Foky-Gruber: Nik Tarasov traf den ungarischen Komponisten, Flötenbauer und -spieler [Gyula Foky-Gruber: Nik Tarasov Meets the Hungarian Composer, Recorder Maker, and Recorder Player].” Windkanal, no. 4: 14–17.
  • Tarasov, Nik. 2001. “Dazumal und heute noch. . . . Nik Tarasov gratuliert Joachim Paetzold zum 40-jährigen Werkstattjubiläum [In Those Days and Still Today. . . . Nik Tarasov Congratulates Joachim Paetzold on the Fortieth Anniversary of his Workshop].” Windkanal, no. 4: 10–11.
  • Tarasov, Nik. 2004. “Harmonische Blockflöte; Die Geschichte einer neuen Blockflöten-Generation [Harmonic Recorder: The History of a New Generation of Recorders].” Windkanal, no. 2: 14–21.
  • Thompson, Susan E. 2009. “Friedrich von Huene Celebrates 70.” American Recorder 49 (1): 8–14.
  • Trotta, Heinrich von. 2005. “Giacomo Andreola: … da un pezzo di legno! [Giacommo Andreola: … From a Piece of Wood!].” Minima Musicalia.
  • Tsukumoto, Takashi. 1980. “A One-Handed Recorder.” Recorder and Music Magazine 5 (9): 258–60, 65.
  • Tsukumoto, Takashi. 1975. “Another Bell Key.” Recorder and Music Magazine 5 (2): 45–57.
  • Valleau, Douglas. 1983. “Of Woods and Reeds and Sealing Wax and Fagotti and Things: Philip Levin in Conversation.” Continuo 7 (1): 6–13.
  • Valleau, Douglas. 1983. “A Conversation with Steve Silverstein in Boston.” Continuo 6 (11): 11–15.
  • Virghi, Francesco Li, and Barbara Law. 2020. “Francesco Li Virghi and the ‘Rafi Consort.’” Recorder Magazine 40 (2): 55–58.
  • Voss, Miranda. 2011. “Das Porträt: Hermann Moeck (1922–2010).” Tibia 36 (1): 335–42.
  • Vries, Tom de. 2022. “New Generation, New Recorders.” Recorder  Magazine 42 (4): 149-150.
  • Waechter, W. 1977. “Klingendes Sperrholz: Testbericht ütber die neuentwickelte Paetzold-Kontrabassblockflöte. [Plywood Resounding: Test Report on the Newly Developed Paetzold Contrabass Recorder].” Tibia 2 (2).
  • Wenner, Martin. 1999. “Blockflötenkauf ist Vertrauenssache [Buying a Recorder is a Matter of Confidence].” Windkanal, no. 1: 29.
  • Wood, Richard. 2010. “Dr Hermann Moeck.” Recorder  Magazine 30 (3): 89.
  • Wood, Richard. 2016. “Freidrich von Huene 1929–2016.” Recorder Magazine 36 (2): 54.
  • Zaniol, Angelo. 1986. “Copying Old Recorders.” American Recorder 27 (3): 103–7.
  • “Interview with Philip Levin.” 1993. Woodwind Quarterly 3: 98.
  • “Robert Bigio: Flute and Recorder Maker.” 1982. Recorder & Music 7 (7): 173–74.
  • “Berufsbezeichnung: Holzblasinstrumenten-machermeister. Ein Gespräch mit dem Flötenbauer Stephan Blezinger [Professional Designation: Master Woodwind Maker. A Conversation with Recorder Maker Stephan Blezinger].” 1998. Windkanal, no. 2: 18–19.
  • “Blockflötenbau am Zürichsee: Ein Gespräch mit den Blockflötenbauern Gerhard und Markus Huber [Recorder Making on Lake Zurich: A Conversation with Recorder Makers Gerhard and Markus Huber].” 1998. Windkanal, no. 3: 14–15.
  • “Recorders Made by Alec Loretto.” 1977. Recorder & Music 5 (12): 388–90.
  • “Moeck: Music Publishers & Instrument Makers.” 1968. Recorder and Music Magazine 2 (8): 270.
  • “Clarence James: Recorder Maker.” 1981. Recorder & Music 7 (3): 72–73.
  • “Guido Klemisch.” 1981. Recorder & Music 7 (1): 23.

Cite this article as: Lander, Nicholas S. 1996–2024. Recorder Home Page: Instruments: Contemporary Recorder Makers: Bibliography. Last accessed 21 October 2024.